Definition of Double planet

1. Noun. a planet with a moon large enough to be considered a planet, were the planet not there, having a substantial portion of the system's overall mass. ¹

2. Noun. a pair of planemos in orbit around each other, where the barycenter of their orbits lies outside of both planemos, which in turn is in orbit about a star. ¹

3. Noun. a pair of planemos in orbit around each other, where the barycenter of their orbits lies outside of both planemos. ¹

4. Noun. a planemo with a moon large enough to be considered a planemo, having a substantial portion of the system's overall mass. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Double Planet

double minute chromosomes
double modal
double modals
double negative
double negatives
double obeli
double obelisk
double obelus
double open jaw
double or nothing
double or quits
double outlet right ventricle
double over
double pedicle flap
double penetration
double planet
double planets
double play
double play depth
double plays
double pleurisy
double plural
double plus good
double plus ungood
double pneumonia
double point
double possessive
double possessives
double precision
double product

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